The members of the NASCAR Appeals Panel for 2013 are:
Mark Arute, Stan Lasky, Christiane Ayotte, Bill Lester, Buddy Baker, Steve Lewis, Lee Baumgarten, Grant Lynch, Jeff Belskus, Denis McGlynn, Dick Berggren, Bud Moore, John Bishop, Bill Mullis, Paul Brooks, Steve Page, Clay Campbell, Don Panoz, John Capels, Buddy Parrott, Joie Chitwood, Dale Pinilis, Ken Clapp, Robert Pressley, Ed Clark, Cathy Rice, Barbara Cromarty, Shawna Robinson, Robert L. DuPont, Shawn Rogers – Appellate Administrator
Also: Laurel Farrell, Jay Signore, Doug Fritz, Lyn St. James, Richard Gore, H.A. Wheeler, Jr., Janet Guthrie, Kevin Whitaker, Russell Hackett, John White, David Hall, Jim Williams, Hurley Haywood, Jo DeWitt Wilson, John Horton, Waddell Wilson, Jack Housby, Robert Yates, Brandon Igdalsky.
How many people does it take to form a panel?