Sunday, August 29, 2010

Welcome to the Lucky Dog

   In roughly 13 seasons covering NASCAR for The Observer and its racing Web site,, I have had more conversations than I can remember about the sport.

   But I'm going to start another one. This one is with you.

   My only previous experience with blogging until now was the creation of The Gold Mine blog on, which focused entirely on UNC Charlotte athletics. Over the course of several years covering the 49ers I was able to develop a strong following, inspire some debate (sometimes heated) and provide some insights and news items of interest to fans in addition to what they found in the Observer.

   My goal with The Lucky Dog blog is the same: Provide insight, opinion, news and occasionally a surprise or too that will help NASCAR and racing fans gain a better and broader perspective of the sport and the issues that surround it and the players in it.

   I have included on this blog some links and pictures of other areas that interest me besides NASCAR. At any time feel free to drop me an email to share your own experiences or places I should visit.



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